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SNK \ Články \ Zobrazení

Mystic Snowkite Harnesses

Mystic Blazer Seat Harness & Mystic Blazer Waist Harness

Mystic Blazer Seat Harness

Snowkiting sedací trapéz Blazer od firmy Mystic vám prostě sedne a nehne se. Už se nemusíte bát, že se vám trapéz společně s bundou vytáhnou až ke krku, Blazer sedí jako přibitý a při skoku vás podrží. Konstruktéři použili speciální materiál pro vaše maximální pohodlí. Těžiště je stejně vysoko jako u klasického (bederního) trapézu, takže si nebudete muset zvykat na nic nového.

Klíčové vlastnosti:

  • Snowkitově zaměřený trapéz
  • Drží jako přibitý
  • Mystic leash s kovovou karabinou v ceně
  • Neobsahuje neopren materiál, který v mrazu tuhne a praská
  • Kompletně nastavitelný 
  • Speciální materiál - netlačí
  • Dostupné velikost: S M L XL

PŮVODNÍ CENA : 4 200,- Kč --- AKCE ----> 2 490,- Kč

Mystic BLAZER seat


Mystic Blazer Waist Harness

Bederní varianta Blazer trapézu. Mystic chtěl vyhovět i těm snowkiterům, kteří přece jenom dávají přednost bederním trapézům. Nastavitelné popruhy vám umožní optimální nastavení. 

Klíčové vlastnosti:

  • Klasický bederní trapéz užší v pase pro větší ohebnost 
  • Mystic leash s kovovou karabinou
  • Neobsahuje neopren, který v mrazu tuhne a praská
  • Kompletně nastavitelný 
  • Speciální materiál - netlačí
  • Dostupné velikost: S M L XL

PŮVODNÍ CENA : 3 900,- Kč --- AKCE ----> 2 190,- Kč

Mystic BLAZER waist



Kamenné obchody
KITELEMENT, Letohradská 24, Praha 7 - Holešovice tel.: + 420 722 936 436, email: info@kitelement.cz, web: http://www.kitelement.cz

Ladislav Buš, tel.: +420 722 720 720, email: ladas.bus@gmail.com

Petr Vondrouš, tel.: +420 732 328 777, email: info@dragonsfly.cz , web: www.dragonsfly.cz

Luděk Trávníček, tel.: +420 603 513 467, email: ludek@funskischool.cz, web: www.funkischool.cz

Pavel Zíka, tel.: +420 725 291 844, email: paja.zika@seznam.cz, web: www.kitefun.wz.cz

Kamenné obchody
ALLBOARDS, Karlova 111, 397 01, Písek, tel: 732210 016, kontaktní osoba: Zuzana Mlejnková, email: allboards.office@gmail.com, web: www.allboards.cz

Martin Zelinger, tel.: +420 777 255 375, email: boneshaker@seznam.cz, web: www.boneshaker.cz

Radek Blažek, tel.: +420 777 858 473 email: radek.blazek@kiteseason.cz, web: kiteseason.cz
Zdeněk Pavlát, tel.: +420 608 858 479, email: switch@mushow.cz, web: www.mushow.cz

Kamenné obchody
EXTREME CENTRUM, Hudcova 76J, 612 00, BRNO, tel: +420 733 320 758, email: proextrem@centrum.cz, web: www.extremcentrum.cz

Zdeněk Pavlát, tel.: +420 608 858 479, email: switch@mushow.cz, web: www.mushow.cz
Radek Blažek, tel.: +420 777 858 473 email: radek.blazek@kiteseason.cz, web: kiteseason.cz

Vložil: admin1, 20.12.2010

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:06

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:05

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:05

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:05

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:05

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

Santander Credit Group
16.01.2025, 16:37:05

Have you been denied a loan by the bank because you have no collateral or bad credit? Take advantage of this opportunity to solve your financial problems, get special New Year loans to finance your business, get your dream car or renovate or invest in real estate with a low interest rate of 2.5%. We offer secured and reliable 100% guaranteed loans with no upfront fees for repayment periods from 2 to 13 years. Get instant access to your funds immediately after approval, no hassle, flexible repayment schedule. We offer long-term and short-term loans from 150,000 CZK to 60,000,000 CZK or €7,000 to €500,000. The loan processing takes approximately 1 hour after completing your application. Contact us at info.santandercredit@gmail.com

16.01.2025, 13:24:24


Dobrý den, potřebujete půjčku? Pro váš dům? Vaše podnikání? Nákup auta? Kolo? Založení vlastního podnikání? Vaše osobní potřeby? Vaše dluhy? Nabízím půjčky od 20 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč s úrokovou sazbou 2%. Doba trvání úvěru je 1 - 30 let (1 - 360 měsíců). Pro více informací mě prosím kontaktujte prostřednictvím e-mailu: EVARYCHTARIKOVA442@GMAIL.COM nebo WHATSAPP: +420732742869

16.01.2025, 13:23:13


Dobrý den, potřebujete půjčku? Pro váš dům? Vaše podnikání? Nákup auta? Kolo? Založení vlastního podnikání? Vaše osobní potřeby? Vaše dluhy? Nabízím půjčky od 20 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč s úrokovou sazbou 2%. Doba trvání úvěru je 1 - 30 let (1 - 360 měsíců). Pro více informací mě prosím kontaktujte prostřednictvím e-mailu: EVARYCHTARIKOVA442@GMAIL.COM nebo WHATSAPP: +420732742869

Halima Vanyss (www)
14.01.2025, 22:24:03
Speciální nabídka finančních služeb Seriózní nabídka peer-to-peer půjček do 2-4 hodin Rychlá finanční pomoc pro celou ČR. Díky rychlému a efektivnímu schvalovacímu procesu může tuto půjčku získat téměř každý. Žádat můžete o úvěry v rozmezí od 50 000 Kč do 30 000 000 Kč s nízkou úrokovou sazbou 2 %, stabilní po celou dobu splácení úvěru. Garantuji vám rychlé a profesionální výměny. Financování můžete využít na cokoliv potřebujete. E-mail: halanelucie@gmail.comOdpovědět
visa card by DHL
14.01.2025, 17:25:16

Need financial help?

For all your cash or loan financing needs, contact me so I can help you.

Receive your visa card by DHL, with your requested credit in 5 days. This allows you to withdraw your borrowed money at any ATM in the world.

Email: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp : +3 3 755 881 596

14.01.2025, 17:25:04

Need financial help?

For all your cash or loan financing needs, contact me so I can help you.

Receive your visa card by DHL, with your requested credit in 5 days. This allows you to withdraw your borrowed money at any ATM in the world.

Email: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp : +3 3 755 881 596

14.01.2025, 17:24:49

Potřebujete finanční pomoc?

Pro všechny vaše potřeby financování hotovosti nebo půjčky, kontaktujte mě, abych vám mohl pomoci.

Obdržíte kartu visa od společnosti DHL s požadovaným kreditem do 5 dnů. To vám umožní vybrat si vypůjčené peníze v kterémkoli bankomatu na světě.

E-mail: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp: +3 3 755 881 596

Potřebujete finanční pomoc?
14.01.2025, 17:24:39

Potřebujete finanční pomoc?

Pro všechny vaše potřeby financování hotovosti nebo půjčky, kontaktujte mě, abych vám mohl pomoci.

Obdržíte kartu visa od společnosti DHL s požadovaným kreditem do 5 dnů. To vám umožní vybrat si vypůjčené peníze v kterémkoli bankomatu na světě.

E-mail: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp: +3 3 755 881 596

Need financial help?
14.01.2025, 17:24:25

Need financial help?

For all your cash or loan financing needs, contact me so I can help you.

Receive your visa card by DHL, with your requested credit in 5 days. This allows you to withdraw your borrowed money at any ATM in the world.

Email: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp : +3 3 755 881 596

14.01.2025, 17:23:44

Need financial help?

For all your cash or loan financing needs, contact me so I can help you.

Receive your visa card by DHL, with your requested credit in 5 days. This allows you to withdraw your borrowed money at any ATM in the world.

Email: mickeygovaerts@gmail.com

Whatsapp : +3 3 755 881 596


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